Northeast Safety Training
Customized on-site training is our philosophy. Our professional staff will review your current OSHA Written Programs and develop a training plan that will meet your business’ operations schedule. Our trainers are skilled at creating interactive sessions that give Northeast Safety it’s originality.

Northeast Safety Training
northeast safety

Consulting is where our journey usually begins. What safety laws apply to my business? What hazards are my workers exposed to? How can I eliminate workplace injuries and help improve worker moral? What’s the best way to positively impact my organizations safety culture?
These are just a few of the questions we help provide the answers to and how we can help your business.

Written Programs
We support and assist you by developing specific health and safety written program(s) you may be required to have.
These programs are designed to help you to not only comply with law but are designed to bring added value to your organization by being accurate, specific and detailed to your business.

After assessing which health and safety programs and regulations are applicable to your business – it’s time for worker training. Training for your workers on how to work safely and efficiently without placing themselves at risk of injury.
Training for supervisors and managers is just as important. In fact, supervisors and managers set the example (positive or negative) and often times have a major impact on your safety culture.