Additional Services

Additional Compliance

  • We perform an inspection of your facility looking for items of
    compliance and items of non-compliance with all applicable
    health & safety regulation(s) like OSHA, EPA and more.
  • We look for any hazards your employees may be exposed to
    or may be potentially exposed to.
  • Action plan developed for improvement.
  • We look at your facility for physical and administrative
    compliance with OSHA workplace safety regulations.
  • We work together with you to develop and Action Plan
    designed to identify steps needed to implement any
    corrective actions.
  • Northeast Safety will review your specific required written
    health & safety programs and review for compliance.
  • We can perform revisions and/or updates as needed.
  • All safety action plans have goals, objectives, strategies and
  • You can’t do everything at once. Resource restrictions on
    labor, equipment modification, etc. slow things down or
    create bottlenecks. Identify the steps need to complete the
  • Safety action plans are a great way to involve all levels of
    your organization in health & safety.
  • We can help your sites safety committee with safety
    committee skills development which will teach valuable
    specific to your site technical information.
  • Safety committees have members from all levels and all
    departments acting as one cohesive team, following a formal
    safety action plan.
  • By utilizing team development training, we can learn to work
    together and become safety resources for all employees.


  • What do you expect from your employees? How do they
    perform against your expectations?
  • Behavioral safety allows you to look for and capture useful
    before-the-fact data and use it to prevent injuries or
    accidents in the workplace without relying on the occurrence
    of and injury.
  • Collect safety data, track and feedback to the organization.
  • Specific safety polices or procedures are observed and
    evaluated. Peer-to-peer feedback is taught and encouraged.
  • Look for guarding designs and techniques that comply with
    OSHA and protect your employees.
  • Formal, detailed report issued; action plan is designed.
  • Perform slip, trip and fall audit looking for hazards.
  • Look for slip, trip and fall procedures and equipment that
    comply with OSHA regulations and protect your employees.
  • Formal, detailed report issued; action plan is designed.